Why should selecting a major be so difficult? It isn't difficult for me - I've already decided to go into Computer Science. But, apparently, my parents disagree. I would usually ask 'what do I care what you think?', but they are, of course, paying for my education (and my living).
It gets better. The reason I'm supposed to be doing ECE instead of CS is because of the job market. Although that is a very real concern, I find myself wondering what would be the interest of going into a subject that will most likely not interest me as much when I could go into one that will hold my attention, and by consequence maintain my grades higher. Not to mention the fact that my current plan of action involves finding a way to go into teaching computers rather than working at a company in the field of computer science.
But that's okay. It's all right. I think I can assert my right to pick my own goddamn major when it determines what I'm going to do for the rest of my life. We will see. My more immediate concern is getting out of General Chemistry, which is apparently one of/the most difficult class(es) at Tech. And taking CS happens to also help in that regard, because I can take an Earth and Atmospheric Sciences class. Which is awesome, since I've never taken a class in that field.
So yeah. CS for me. I just hope I can make sure it stays that way...